Условие задания:

5 Б.
Прочитай текст и вставь вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из списка. Два слова в списке лишние.
The man, the boy and the donkey

Once a man, his son and his donkey went A) _____ a market. The father rode the donkey and the boy led the way. A man passed by and said: «How can you ride the donkey when your little boy is so tired?»
So the father dismounted the donkey and helped his son sit in the saddle.
They walked further and met another man who said «What a B) _____ boy! Riding the donkey when his old man is walking!»
The boy felt ashamed and asked his father to sit C) _____ him so they could ride D) _____.
A woman walked towards them and cried: «Look at the poor animal! Two lazy fellows are torturing the donkey! Aren’t you ashamed of overloading the poor animal?»
Both of them got E) _____ and walked along with the donkey. A passer-by started to laugh at them: «Look at these two fools, they don’t even know what to use the donkey for!»
\(1\). behind
\(2\). off
\(3\). selfish
\(4\). together
\(5\). to
\(6\). kind
\(7\). under
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